Tuesday 15 May 2018

Sustainable Milestone Achievement

Posted by at 10:15 AM

Pro Label, Inc. has recently teamed up with Convergen Energy of Green Bay a leader in renewable fuels in an effort to achieve our 98% of facility wide waste recycled goal.  We’ve also partnered with Heritage Crystal Clean to have our liquid waste recycled and converted into fuel for papermills in our area.  We’ve been looking for a renewable outlet for our liquid waste for quite some time and were excited to find an alternative to incineration.  It is our ultimate goal to achieve 99% of all waste recycled and that goal is now well within reach.  Here is a brief list of everything we currently recycle: corrugate, production waste, paper, inks, solvents, foil backed stock, paperboard, all electronics, metal, motors etc.  We are very excited that we have been able to achieve what we have so far and are always looking to continuously improve our sustainability efforts.